TC. God.
Tony, Hoover, Sling Backs, and Fishnets.
"It's all in fun."
#gasp: All couthless, all the time.
Where ASH, mail, and cats are the topic of choice..... but where ASH is definitely the, um, taster's choice.
ASH in a bottle. Only $19.95. Call NOW!
Making someone moan....
The double entendre reigns supreme.
Land of Satanic Porn... All Hail, our Queen EMC!
* MizPrker is *so* not commenting on either of your remarks.
<Elyse> in...on...with ethan it's all pretty damn good:)
<Titania> Ely: Or bad, depending on who you are.
<SonjaRose> Okay where is Lisa?!
<EvilAngel> She's going progressively insane.
<SonjaRose> M: Progressively?! I thought she was there!
*** SonjaRose changes topic to "Where the list ops are insane and PROUD!"
<MizPrker> SR> Or proudly insane! <g>
* SonjaRose throws up her hands and says "If Tony wants to be perverse, I'm sure as hell ain't going to stop him!"
* LibraryL throws up her hands and says "If Tony wants to be..." drops hands... "never mind".
* EvilAngel smirks innocently
* SonjaRose hits EvilAngel upside the head with a jar of Taster's Choice
<SonjaRose> smirks and innocently have no right being in the same sentence mein dear!
<EvilAngel> They do when you're me!
<bentley> EA: If you're playing solitaire phone tag, who's going to complain when you break the rules?
<EvilAngel> b: Um, yourself...?
<bentley> EA: can't you talk yourself sweetly out of it, and win?
<EvilAngel> b: Yeah, I suppose I could. Or I could be charitable and let myself win.
<LibraryL> A heartbroken, ballistic former Armed Forces person with an AK47? Scary!
<Miyu> Slingbacks and a Hoover, and he won't go for handcuffs?? Come on!
<LibraryL> I heard it... what the hell is it?
<LibraryL> Maybe he runs like a girl, but he.... never mind!
<Adam> L: Believe it. I *love* closely examining a woman's... soul.
* EvilAngel would rather have Giles than his mothballs... I mean, mothballs taste icky, and should stop here.
<Gilesing> The hunh?
<Moreta1> KT: do it with syd in the white room????
<LibraryL> I can tell I'm having a good time! I just had to lower the thermostat!
<kt> I go send an e-mail and look what happens..
<kt> Actually, you will all behave normally. Just breathe funny.
<kt> We should have had more booze.
<Miyu> Ugh work. Why do I have my own business again?
<ElaineMc> So you haven't got to work for someone else.
<Miyu> Yeah, but my boss is such a bitch!
<Miyu> I think there is a severe lack of male sort of creatures in my life. Anything vaguely resembling testosterone truns me all weak and trembely. . .
<ElaineMc> Um. Women have testosterone, too, if I remember rightly.
<Miyu> Yeah, but it doesn't replace a penis
<Miyu> Hey, quote from BeckyDory tonight: "[Rupert] is soft and squishy
<ElaineMc> Amazing, indeed. But then, cats have a magic survival power.
<VampKira> They'd HAVE to or we'd have killed them.
<VampKira> Pardon me, I have a cat to kill...
<VampKira> Go straight to Hell, do not pass Purgatory, do not pay the ferry man!
<LibraryL>hehehehe! I didn't know Purgatory had a ferryman!
<VampKira> Well, I'm throwing a bit of Homer in....
<LibraryL> Irish cream with Tony.... Irish cream ON Tony!
<ElaineMc> Hello, we *will* have HNGs.
<Ayesha> Um, would that change anything?
<Cyn>'t touch some candy...
<VampKira> You guys got yer thing for horses, don't you?
<bentley> The guy at Le Dog asked: "Bondage or police?"
* kt asks isn't it funner to do it as a group?
<VampKira> Did I just say too much about you in public again?
<VampKira> See, I have a reason for the cuff fetish!
<bentley> I'm a Natpacker: cop fetish *and* I have the coroner bookmarked on Netscape.
<kt> Betsy, how the heck do you keep up with xmission?
<bentley> I don't have a life?
<ElaineMc> Betsy keeps up with Xmission? Wow.
<bentley> Did I mention I love my Mac?
<ElaineMc> B: Awwww. Um, we are talking a platonic love, right?
<bentley> E: it was platonic, till I started working in an office that has Macs for faculty and PCs for staff.
<ElaineMc> B: Murder. Mask. Big knives, shotguns, pointy things. Very Freud.
<EvilAngel> You've said that before. And, if I could make a reasonable guess, you'll say it again...
<bentley> Brain non-fucntional today. Reminder?
<Cyn> I put a pic of Tony from ACS up at my desk today. Some guy asked if it was my husband. I said no, just the guy I'm in love with.
<EvilAngel> He also *has* a mind.
<MizPrker> And he looms so well.
<ElaineMc> Okay, now, you guys're just egging me on.
<Cyn> I've lost all control here.
<Northcat> Right, I'll just use my psychic powers.
<LibraryL> let's just say the last kiss gave "agitator in a washing machine" new meaning!
* bentley welcomes Adam back. Hurt/comfort, anyone?
<bentley> kt: did you notice all the blinking ASH was doing in Secret Army. Non-stop, at times.
<EvilAngel> Gaaaha. You're making me go nonverbal again.
<LibraryL> kt: like that fellow on RHS tape, "If I thought you could spell faggot, I'd be offended."
<ElaineMc> Oh, I see. Millenium is copying "Blessing Way". Carter has started stealing from himself.
<ElaineMc> What, is "ELAINE!" becoming some kind of weird mantra...?
<MizPrker> El> Yes, well, you keep living up (or is that down?) to your reputation.
<Cyn> He has got to come to the sci fi cons out here. I need another shot at him
<kt> Just don't go to porn sites!
<MizPrker> kt> no, just skating and vampires...
<kt> Which hair would that be?
<EvilAngel> kt: Chest hair? Ya know, shirtless collared Oliver...
* MizPrker didn't need EA's last Image. Breathe, girl, breathe!
<ayma> EA: We were just taling about hair...don't mention packing tape!!!
<EvilAngel> ayma: I didn't mean to use the tape on the hair!!
* LibraryL is trying not to hyperventilate!
<ayma> Miz: an image: Giles, after a long hard...throbbing...pulsing...ok, sorry. Long hard day reshelving books, loosens his tie, removes it, starts to unbutton his shirt...
* LibraryL thinks she just got taken out of context again!
<ayma> Well, I've heard of people using whipped cream, but not smoothies. Wouldn't they be a little cold?
<EvilAngel> ...strawberries...
<ayma> ...bananas...
<EvilAngel> ...handcuffs...
<Adam> Amateurs. You ought to be asking about hamsters, Ben-Gay, and aluminum foil.
<LibraryL> HAMSTERS?
<kt> Hamsters?
<EvilAngel> Adam: Nice image.
<Adam> Uh, forget I said that.
<kt> I don't want to know about the Ben-gay.
<EvilAngel> Ayma; Point being that they - um, I think we're having two different images here.
<ElaineMc> I think we're having two different *conversations* here.
<EvilAngel> El: J&H was different. I had the libretto!
<ElaineMc> EA: Oh, don't be so modest. You were obsessed.
<kt> Which hair would that be?
<MizPrker> Yep, that's us -- the gaspers who go "GAAHHAA!" over Tony.
<Alistaire> My *last* stalker didn't get into cases involving satanic cults, which involved having *me* strapped down, spread-eagled and naked to a stone altar and nearly sacrificed, either!
* SonjaRose wishes Jeff was hear for me to sit on
<WWitch> Nipple, angst, blood ...
<WWitch> Eww, demon spawn of Giles' tattoo ...
<kt> someone dies tomorrow
<MizPrker> Sorry, obviously, I was a bootlegger in my previous life.
<WWitch> She sat on his lap?!!!
<Cyn> We think as one...this is scary
<SonjaRose> Old Giles Photo
<SonjaRose> Tattoo
<SonjaRose> Liquor
<SonjaRose> Dresser
<SonjaRose> Kitchen
<WWitch> Pornography?
<Cyn> WW: As soon as my story gets angsty or kinky I'll send it your way
<WWitch> LL: innocence my sausage sandwich!
<EvilAngel> SHDGkjdshgdhgadasg.
<MizPrker> Bentley> HELLO! Calendar on Giles in the chair... whoa!
<bentley> He was doing that cheekbone thing last night.
<LibraryL> OK, I'm turning off the pics... I am! I swear!
<MizPrker> LL> Sure you are. We've all been down that road.
<bentley> EA: no. they had the montage of tattoos, ending with connection...
<bentley> (tattooing)
<bentley> (da plane! da plane!)
<LibraryL> b: Oliver has a good grasp on his subconscious....
* Elyse would like a good grasp on Oliver...
* EvilAngel wouldn't mind having a good grasp on Oliver's...never mind.
<EvilAngel> Revification: the act of bringing a fanfic back to life...
<Jarod> Ely: If I were a girl, I'd never get out of bed. <veg>
<RafflesOG> If I had a guy like Rupert WE'D never get outta bed!
<ElaineMc> If I had a lifetime supply of AA batteries, *I'd* never get out of bed.
<ElaineMc> Okay, okay. Here's my real secret: I"m not real. I'm a figment of Miriam's imagination.
<AdamK> It's a saliva thing.
<EvilAngel> Alistaire is a big fink. I don't know *why* I put up with him...
<ElaineMc> EA: Because he floats your boat?
<MizPrker> EA> "He pushes your buttons."
<EvilAngel> ...but he's a stuffy British...boatfloater. Sigh. Yeah...
<WWitch> I've done him with Abernathy
<WWitch> I'll rephrase that.
<WWitch> Oh, Dunc. He'll lay anybody.
[Everyone says this, at some point.] Do we all need to get a life or what?
<WWitch> C: Ethan came to Sunnydale, the most demon ridden place on the planet, for Giles ass?
* Jarod thinks...Adam's asleep. cool. I might score.
<Cyn> If you made one appearance on Star Trek you're doomed to the convention circut for life
<MizPrker> What is this? Splitting up the slash? Talk about divide and conquer.
<WWitch> Did everybody see the Nipple shot? <g>
<WWitch> Actually, it's the Nipple Suffer Shot
<EvilAngel> Ay: Cause it made me rather vowelling for a while? <g>
* ElaineMc DCCs Ayma a piping-hot librarian.
<Ayma> Oohhh....ahhhhh....sigh....just right.
<WWitch> AY: that sounds like it went down nicely
<WWitch> Rupert, have you been sniffing Ethan again?
<WWitch> Heck - I *really* didn't mean it like that!
<bentley> WW: What's important is *you* believe that.
<Oliver> Ah, yes. The inadvertent double entendre. The #gasp version of the Fifth Amendment?
<ElaineMc> Why do so many common ASH-character-related stories involve pain...?
<WWitch> Fanfic, it all involves pain. Not just ASH. Take Methos.
<WWitch> I squirmed all the way through Jim Byrnes' ep of "Two". Double Michael and a Jim to go <g>
<Rupert> I'm just going to lie here and let my heart beat.
<WWitch> Good one Rupert - you do that.
<WWitch> Cross your legs and wave your charms girls; the prankster's here.
<WWitch> We don't like you Ethan. Just want to make that clear before I tear off your shirt and suck your tattoo.
<Cyn> That's where Giles is headed coincidentally, on his knees begging for more.
<Cyn> How can someone who writes Erotica also enjoy Sabrina
<LibraryL> I was quoting Xander and had to look up the word trichinosis!
<bentley> a gaggle of giggling gaspers groaned as giles grew and grew...
<bentley> Fandom has corrupted me. I used to be a good girl. Really.
* LibraryL comforts herself with the pic of Oliver
<WWitch> Careful LL, you'll make it wet
<LibraryL> MP: You do one with Giles senior alive, and I'll do one with him dead!
<ElaineMc> The temptation to use my powers for evil is something fierce, let me tell you.
<WWitch> Wait for the next bulge.
<EvilAngel> Licking the *post*?
<WWitch> This is just so bad. How could I not tell her the truth? What could I say I liked? Apart from the fact that it was short.
<WWitch> Hmm. "I got totally Adamed last night."